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Staff Gathering at Local Cabane à Sucre Marks End of Winter 2021-22

Spring is here and what better way to celebrate the end of the snow season than going in a huge gang to the Érablière Au Palais Sucré in Mont-Saint-Grégoire.

A HUGE THANKS to all of our Snow Warriors who worked so hard all winter. It was a tough winter at times, but we made it! Thanks again for your energy, enthusiasm and committment.



Strathmore is Canada's national commercial landscape management and snow removal company.

For over 60 years, we've been providing exceptional landscaping, tree services and commercial snow removal services to businesses, universities, industry, government, shopping malls, municipal spaces, and more. 




Strathmore Commercial Landscape Management

2288 Rue de Cannes-Brûlées

LaSalle, Quebec
H8N 2Z2

(514) 992-5902

RBQ# 5695-4357-01

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